Don’t Let Septic Problems Wreck Your Summer Fun, Take Steps To Restore Your System
Its that time of the year. We are venturing outside into our yards, sprucing up the landscape, and realizing that you have septic odor, and may have caused some septic problems over the winter months. As the avid homeowner does, you have probably headed to the local home depot or hardware store to find a septic solution. You have looked at and maybe even tried all of the store brands. RID X, Drano, Zep, Roebic Labs brand. But one thing remains the same with all of them. The fine print says preventative treatment for septic systems. Preventative, your problems exist in the here and now. So, what can you do? Is there any way to avoid the expense of replacing your septic system all together?
Don’t let the fact that replacing septic systems or portions of septic systems can cost up to $10,000 get you worried. Well as much as you can avoid it. There are other options out there that can fix your septic problems. There are a number of treatments out there powerful enough to get the job done. Often times these strong doses of septic treatment are called SHOCK Treatments, although there are some brands that have other names for their heavy strength treatment. So before you spend any money on anything, take a deep breath, and lets get a quick understanding of what steps to take to PROPERLY resolve septic problems.
First things first, we are going to have to actually stand up and walk out into the yard. Walk the area where you think the drain field is, if you are unaware, then search for the area where the smell is the worst. Depending on the design of your septic system, the drainage area can be in a number of shapes, but is usually very easily located, especially when there are septic problems. Once you have found it, examine the soil in the area. Does it seem to be moist? Try to probe around a bit in the area, do you see any black, spongy material in the soil? If so, this is the source of your problem, it is called bio mat and if left untreated, it can lead to drain field failure. If the area is dry and does not seem to have any bio mat, that is a good sign, make note of it and move to the next step.
For those of you who found the moist bio mat in the yard, you want to examine the shock treatments mentioned above. There are a number of brands to consider, most will get the job done well for you, although you are better off going with granular shock treatments rather than liquid ones. Granular shocks stay in your system longer and are far superior in the long term restoration of your system.
For those of you who did not find the bio mat and the drain area feels dry to the touch, you should adopt regular monthly maintenance of a powerful septic treatment. As you know the store brands are not strong enough to get the job done, but there are others out there that are. Find a monthly maintenance treatment designed for septic problems and begin REGULAR treatment. Addressing this one time is not enough, regular, consistent application of septic treatment is now a part of monthly household maintenance.